Upcoming exhibitions 2023
Särkyvää, Annantalo, Helsinki, Finland, March 2023.
Ilo Olla, Heinolan taidemuseo, Heinola, Finland, April 2023.
Ilo Olla, Heinolan taidemuseo, Heinola, Finland, April 2023.
Linnuista ja Ihmisistä

Maija Albrecht and Piia Rossi, Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta, Finland, February 2023.
– taiteilijakirjanäyttely
Rakkaudesta kirjoihin ja taiteeseen!

26.11. – 18.12.2022
MUU Helsinki nykytaidekeskus
Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
Colouring books without pictures
MUU Helsinki nykytaidekeskus
Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
Colouring books without pictures
Patoan metsästä majan, Taidekeskus ITÄ, Lappeenranta

24.11. – 22.12.
Etelä-Karjalan Taiteilijaseura uusien jäsenten näyttely
Etelä-Karjalan Taiteilijaseura uusien jäsenten näyttely
Näkymiä / Vistas
Solo exhibition, Galleria Katariina, Helsinki, Finland
This page is under construction
Breakable, solo Exhibition 2022, Kouta-Galleria, Kouvola, Finland.

Breakable held in Kouta-Galleria is a collection of small sculptures that form larger
installations. The individual pieces are made of eggshells that are dyed using colors made from natural
materials such as plants, berries and other natures offerings.
Breakable held in Kouta-Galleria is a collection of small sculptures that form larger
installations. The individual pieces are made of eggshells that are dyed using colors made from natural
materials such as plants, berries and other natures offerings.
Rikkoutuva (Breakable), solo exhibition, Promenadigalleria, Finland, March 2021.

My solo exhibition, Rikkoutuva (Breakable) is taking place at the Promenadigalleria, Hyvinkää, Finland, 13.3.-31.3.2021. The show is composed of installations that are formed of numerous small parts. Instead of concentrating on small individual pieces I rather tell stories in arrangements of multiples. The topic of this exhibition is belonging, pining and fear of losing. In my work I aim to suggest order into chaos, harmony and quiet. I hope to reach this by offering wonderment and awe, by arranging an elevating experience away from the mundane.
The installations are composed of thousands of eggshells. These eggs are dyed using colors which I make from plants, berries, vegetables and other natures offerings. Sustainability issues in art production is important to me and my aim is to create art that in the end can be taken apart and returned back to nature.
The installations are composed of thousands of eggshells. These eggs are dyed using colors which I make from plants, berries, vegetables and other natures offerings. Sustainability issues in art production is important to me and my aim is to create art that in the end can be taken apart and returned back to nature.
Signal Art Gallery, Bray, Ireland, April 2021.

I was invited to take part on the Signal Arts Centre, Bray, Ireland 30 years birthday celebrations. The show will take place in Mermaid & Signal Art Centre in April 2021. I am showing a video piece that can be found heLink text here...re
Artist of the Month

For the month of September 2021 I will be presenting my work at the Aarni Galleria, Espoo, Finland. I`m playing with an idea of a wall of hanging eggs, but time will show how things develop.
Board of Directors

I am delighted to act as a board member in two cultural institutions that are close to my heart, Juvenalia Music School Espoo, Finland and The Visual Artists of Espoo, Finland. Both theses positions offer so much enrichment to my personal and professional life. I`m privileged to have the opportunity to experience such important cultural work from "behind the scenes" and work with such fantastic people.
Three houses in the Slovakian mountains

We have three little historical houses on the Slovakian mountains, we are slowly renovating them with our building team. I have a lovely studio facilities here to work on larger scale installations. I also have a fantastic range of mountain plants to discover for the natural colors I use in my work.
I´m also a keen gardener and together with my husband we spend hours during the wintertime dreaming and planning our gardens in Slovakia.
I´m also a keen gardener and together with my husband we spend hours during the wintertime dreaming and planning our gardens in Slovakia.